What an unoriginal title.
2009. Two-Thousand and Nine. I can't believe my graduation year is finally here. I can tell it is going to be a great one. I feel better and better about the person I am becoming. FINALLY. As for this blog, I will definitely be keeping up with it more regularly because I'm tired of saying I will write in a blog and then I lose interest. I find expressing myself through the written word is a lot more liberating/satisfying/etc. than that of saying things aloud. People can come to their own conclusions and I can just keep on keeping on without feeling the least bit self conscious.
Anyways. As for me, a lot has changed since I last wrote in this blog. I have become a senior. I have matured GREATLY. The biggest conclusion I have come to in the past few months is that apart from a select few others, everyone in my school is fake. AND THEY DISPLAY IT SO BLATANTLY! It makes me want to get out of this town so badly. But I have another 6 months and 6 days until graduation, so I will make the best with what I have to work with.
I have been accepted to my first university! Dallas Baptist University to be exact. I'm feeling really good about this school, but am still praying that I end up where God wants me to be, because I truly strive to be in the place that He wants me to be the most.
I already feel better having written this much. Sadly, it is 11:37 and I desperately need to get back into a normal human's sleep pattern so I shall leave it at that for now. But expect more soon!
"I have come to in the past few months is that apart from a select few others, everyone in my school is fake. AND THEY DISPLAY IT SO BLATANTLY!"
You are an excellent writer, you display emotion so brilliantly through written language I feel like I'm stepping in your shoes as I stare at the screen.
Also, you forgot to mention how cool I am.
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