256 random things I love.
0. Learning about people
1. The inspiration you get after watching a really good movie
2. Feeling and being comfortable
3. Laughing so much with someone that the only reason you are still laughing is because they are, and they are still laughing because you are, and it just goes on.
4. Books I read over and over
5. Learning
6. Cold breezes
7. Feeling happy
8. Jumping on trampolines
9. Playing in rain
10. Staying up late
11. Looking at the stars
12. Contentedness
13. Singing loudly and together
14. Running through sprinklers
15. Text messaging
16. Playing with animals
17. Rolling in grass
18. Shaved legs on clean sheets
19. Achievement
20. Passing a test you didn't study for
21. Learning new words
22. Making up words
23. Laughing so hard you cry
24. Crying so hard you laugh
25. Seeing people you haven't seen in forever
26. Understanding
27. Making a fool of yourself in public
28. Sleepovers without any sleeping
29. Watching Disney movies
30. Feeling pretty
31. Dressing up
32. Staying in PJs all day
33. When good songs come on the radio
34. Sunny mornings
35. Giggling
36. Cuddling
37. Daydreaming
38. Dancing like crazy
39. Having a day off from school every now and then
40. Really long hugs
41. Looking at old photographs
42. Dogs!
43. Making s'mores but not really eating them
44. Being stubborn
45. Being right
46. Finding the good in everything
47. A "sick day" that really isn't
48. Making situations awkward with random people
49. The beauty of trees
50. Swimmingon a hot day
51. Feeling like you're worth something to someone
52. Weekends
53. Being loved unconditionally
54. Going to parties
55. The smell of baking bread & cookies
56. Putting on clothes right after they come out of the dryer
57. Walking outside barefoot
58. Running outside in the rain, getting soaking wet
59. Dancing while driving or in the car
60. Eating sweets and candy
61. Reading books and then reccomending them
62. Smiling when you really mean it
63. Having lots of money to do whatever you want with
64. Shopping for clothes that make you feel pretty
65. When strangers give you a weird look because you're laughing too loud and too much or just being weird
66. The feeling you get after you spin and around really, really, really fast and fall over
67. Holding hands
68. Realizing you've just aced a really hard test.
69. Water in the shower that is not too hot or too cold
70. Eating lemons & limes and making funny faces
71. Long conversations about nothing, but meaning everything
72. Realizing someone you like is staring at you
73. Being squished in the back of a car
74. Writing the cheesiest things possible that you probably won't admit in person but really do enjoy them
75. When someone puts their arms around your waist
76. Spending the day at home and just getting stuff done
77. Singing along to a song with your friends
78. Painting anything.
79. Driving way too fast down the street
80. Blasting music
81. Drawing on yourself or others drawing on you
82. Hearing "I love you" and knowing the other person really means it
83. Three day weekends
84. Keeping up a conversation
85. Doing stuff just because you can
86. The smell of rain
87. When somebody tells you a secret that nobody else in the world knows
88. Thunderstorms
89. Secrets in genereal
90. Taking a long bubble bath
91. Going on road trips with friends
92. Feeling alive
93. Holding hands with anyone or touching in general
94. Feeling like you don't care what anyone thinks
95. Puddle Jumping
96. Being loved back
97. Being in a good mood for absolutely no reason
98. Getting a compliment from somebody you look up to
99. First day of summer vacation
100. Jumping in leaves
101. Being yourself
102. Poetry
103. Sitting down after walking all day
104. Playing tag
105. Playing Hide n' Go Seek
106. Watching scary movies, but never alone
107. Feeling understood
108. Meeting new people
109. Making and creating things
110. Writing on anything
111. Doodling
112. Drinking water constantly
113. Taking risks
114. Standing up for the kid that everyone picks on
115. Going to the movies
116. Talking about the past
117. Remembering something you forgot
118. Finding something you thought you lost
119. Cold sheets on hot nights
120. The cold side of the pillow
121. When somebody other than you trips and falls
122. When somebody's cell phone goes off in class
124. Not being punished for something you should have been punished for
125. Walking under streetlamps at night
126. Agreement
127. Little kids!
128. Cuteness
129. Not getting nervous over something big
130. Having a good day and seeing that others have
131. Having no homework
132. Procrastinating your project to the very last possible minute and still getting a good mark
133. Building forts out of sheets or pillows
134. Days that feel like dreams
135. Passing notes and not getting caught
136. Secret codes
137. Jumping down the stairs
138. Having your 11:11 wish come true
139. Just wishing at 11:11
140. Making hilarious typos
141. When someone knows you love wishing at 11:11 and reminds you when they see it's time
142. Running across wet grass barefoot; then slipping & falling and getting soaked
143. The beach. at night.
144. Fingerpainting
145. Squishing sand between your toes
146. Merry-Go-Rounds
147. Pantsing your friend
148. Getting anonymous love letters
149. When somebody leaves a note on your car
150. Secret valentines
151. Having random people give you a compliment
152. Giving strangers high fives, hugs, or anything
153. Doing strange things to strangers
154. When your dad gives you money just because
155. Getting postcards
156. Handprints and fingerprints
157. Walking around
158. Feeding the birds
159. Kittens
160. Laying on your back looking for shapes in the clouds
161. When people make you promises that are kept
162. Swings
163. Making sand castles and watching waves eat them
164. Making up nicknames for people
165. Skating with socks on tile or wood floors
166. Going all out and decorating a note
167. The smell of a candle after it burns out
168. Baking a cake for no reason
169. Waking up outside
170. Getting a huge bag of Halloween candy
171. Dancing in the rain
172. Having a staring contest with your best friend
173. The first scoop of peanut butter in a new jar
174. Knowing people are there for you
175. Not being a victim
176. Having a good hair day
177. Knowing things will get better
178. Finally getting ungrounded
179. Blasting music in a fast car with your best friends
180. Christmas shopping
181. Actually, any kind of shopping
182. Playing Truth or Dare
183. Thinking about the world
184. Getting mail
185. Good report card comments
186. When someone calls before you call them
187. Pretending to be Pirates
188. Talking in a british accent
189. Accomplishing something you thought you could only dream of
190. Not wearing makeup & still feeling pretty
191. Peace
192. Jones soda
193. Skipping
194. Impressing your parents
195. Talking for hours with somebody who actually wants to listen
196. When it's cold out side & you try to conserve body heat by hugging
197. That feeling you get in your stomach/ Christmas morning
198. Swinging on a tire swing
199. Waking up and feeling so warm and comfy and happy that you never want to get up
200. Trying to count the stars
201. Feeling invincible
202. Waking up when it's so bright outside
203. Going in car rides with no destination
204. Sleeping in on rainy mornings
205. Waking up early to watch the sunrise on the roof
206. Good smelling things
207. Being able to stay close with someone
208. Doing anything spontaneous
209. Unexpected phone calls
210. Having a good cry now and then.
211. Showers
212. Making new friends
213. Making chocolate chip cookies and eating half the cookie dough
214. The deep breaths you take after laughing so hard
215. Randomly bursting out laughing when somebody says something totally not funny, just because of an inside joke you and your best friend have
216. Making smoothies or baking with a friend
217. Finding money in your pockets or the bottom of your purse
218. When song lyrics are printed inside your CD so you can sing along until you know it
219. Spending time with people you love
220. Unexpected kisses
221. Dancing on couches to old boy bands
222. Someone tripping and falling and laughing so much you fall down too, and just laughing there together
223. Listening to old music
224. Making videos with your camera
225. Taking pictures with friends and posing together
226. Feeling cool in big sun glasses
227. Old pictures and polaroids
228. Sewing machines & sewing clothes
229. Family that you know will be there
230. People who are there for you
231. Air conditioning
232. Park Benches
233. Bottled water
234. Over grown grass
235. Design
236. Learning
237. Learning from the past
238. The saddest memories that make you feel the most
239. Beautiful, sad songs
240. The ocean
241. Coloring books
242. Gestures
243. Faithfulness
244. Believing & keeping hope
245. Appreciating things
246. Things to shout about
247. Things that are really meaningful
248. Things that have different meanings to everyone
249. Walking away instead of fighting
250. Being strong
251. Forgiving
252. Wonder what the world has in store for you
253. Wonder anything
254. Thinking so much that you want to stop thinking
255. Being crazy
256. Just being